Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cupcake Photo Shoot

I am trying really hard to get some things done before baby Smith arrives. We had our "summer of Cupcake", big girl room decorating and now just some pics of Cupcake by herself. In the past I have taken her to some indoor studios and she always seemed so leery of the photographers. Well, maybe that's because they really aren't professional photographers and don't always know the perfect ways to capture children. Now listen, if you work at the mall and take pics maybe you are great at your job. For every person who is great (at anything) there is usually a dozen people who do a crappy job. I'm not trying to be a hater but it is annoying when the girl who just finished reading "Idiots guide to picture taking" shows up and says "hi, yeah, I loooooove kids and I looooooooove pictures and not sure why your kid won't look at me but I will keep taking pictures and pray that one turns out great instead of trying a new pose". That's like me saying "yeah, I'm great at eating, cursing and wanting to punch people in the throat let me make a career out of it". Come to think of it I sound like a truck driver. Okay, bad example! In all fairness I have encountered a few photographers at the mall who are fabulous but this time I wanted something different.

I found this great photographer from my friend Mrs. Peacock! She took her children Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet and Mrs. White to a fabulous lady for some pics! I looked through her site and found some ADORABLE poses. So instead of waiting around I booked her for an outdoor session, spent 12 hours on the internet finding the perfect tutu, shirt and hair accessories and met the photographer. Cupcake had so much fun at the park taking pics, playing with the ducks and costume changes. I was so happy that Mrs. Peacock connected me with the photographer thanks again!! I was happier when I say the beautiful pictures of our little cupcake that I booked her for Baby Smith's arrival!

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