Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pumpkin Picking with MOMS and School

It's that time of the year again......pumpkin picking! We are so excited that we have 2 pumpkin picking events however they are both at the same farm, same week. This should be an adventure!

Our first pumpkin picking event was with the MOMS Club to one of many local pumpkin farms. We went on a hayride to see the Christmas trees (this is there marketing tool to ensure we come back in December to pick our tree), learned how to make that bird feeder pine cone craft thing. Cute but seriously, this is a sure way to get a bunch of squirrels on your property and steal all your crap. They are relentless and once they think you have food of any kind they stalk you from the bushes. We made the cone but left it there, the last thing I need is a crazy squirrel in my life. (For those not in the know, when I lived with my parents we had a crazy squirrel who would hang from the porch light and dive bomb us when we came out of the house. That SOB was probably looking for meatballs not a pine cone, my mom is a great cook). Back to the trip. We also had some fresh popcorn and hot chocolate (knocked it over and it went every where - shocking isn't it) and even met some reindeers. Again with the Christmas marketing ploy. Since the weather has been unseasonably warm the farm ran out of pumpkins so Cupcake would be leaving pumpkin-less. WTF? Are you kidding? You couldn't spare a mini pumpkin anywhere? You couldn't get on your reindeer and head to the grocery store and buy some pumpkins for all the kids in the MOMS club? What the hell were we going to do. At this point it is the week of Halloween, I have no pumpkins because we were told we can get pumpkins here. Not to mention I have to return tomorrow with Cupcakes preschool for more Christmas marketing info, effing pine cones for bat shit crazy squirrels and again hear that we won't leave with pumpkins??? Okay, I know, I could have purchased my own pumpkins but Cupcake kept looking at me and asking "where is them pumpkins". Oh sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean we are going pumpkin picking, we are going to the Tree Farm Pre-Sale, kind of like Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale (my favorite store and despite what everyone thinks it really isn't that expensive) where we can select our tree and come at a later date to pick it up. Well, we have a fake tree so I don't need your stinkin' sales pitch about the trees, I came for a pumpkin. Again, take your reindeer to the store and buy some mini pumpkins, at this point they are 5 for $1.00. Well, with all my smack talk the Christmas, I mean pumpkin lady quickly produced some coloring books for all the kids. It was a fun day. In fact it was so much fun that we are doing it again tomorrow!

Morning! Back again at the farm for some coloring books and pine cone making. We pulled up to the farm and Cupcake said "again"? I know, I feel the same way however we do get a hayride out of the deal. Cupcake remembered the deal so she was first in line for hot chocolate and popcorn (knocked it over again). It was another fun day, new faces, more coloring books and an even harder push on the Christmas trees since dads were on this trip too.

Lesson learned, get your own pumpkins early because the pumpkin farm may sell out or crap out early. We did have fun though!

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