Wednesday, July 18, 2012

We FINALLY have a date!

After many discussions, google searches and soul searching we decided that it was best for me to have another C-Section. My due date is February 4th (2 days before my 35th birthday) so we kept playing around with dates for this little ones arrival. I was back and forth with dates, meanings, numerology and had a list of reasons when/when not to have a baby. After a LONG time (are you shocked) we decided that Baby Smith will make his debut on Tuesday, January 31st! We are sooooo excited, nervous, happy and ready to meet our son. I still can't believe we're having a son. His room is done, a name is picked, the countdown is on. I can't wait to meet my baby boy on January 31st!

Side note: I couldn't find a picture of me pregnant because I'm usually the hired help however this is what I found. Look how big bun in the oven is getting!!!

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