Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Waiting for Mommy!

What a winter we are having! I can't remember a winter this bad since I was living in North J. It seems that we have snowfall after snowfall, train delays, shoveling (not me) and endless days of boots, hats and scarves. I hate the snow. I don't mean that in a nonchalant way, I LOATHE the snow. It brings back memories of childhood.......snow suits, hats, gloves, scarves, sweating like a farm animal under layers of sweaters, long johns, etc. I was that kid who would get all geared up (30 minute prep) to run outside with my siblings, get pushed in the snow (by brotha) and after 5 minutes would cry to go back inside. I did not enjoy ANY rituals that came along with snow days, etc. Needless to say this is the winter from hell. It probably isn't that bad but when you commute 3 hours to work (by car, train, subway, feet) you quickly "get over" the snow.

We were hit with yet another nor'easter while I was in NY for work. I bunkered down with one of my favorite families, The Rams, and watched TV on their couch all day. It was a very relaxing day for me however Hubby and Cupcake were all alone back at home. I couldn't get home, mass transportation was down, daycare closed. No one was going anywhere. It would have been the perfect day at home with my family. The Rams were a great host family, as always.

The point to this story is my daughter had the day off and spent a good portion of it waiting for mommy to come home. When Hubby sent this picture I cried because 1) she is the cutest child EVER 2)what am I doing in NY while my family is home 3) I really hope Hubby locked that door, she could be outside in 5 seconds flat

Hopefully the snow melts, trains return to normal schedule and I can return home to spend time with my family. Thanks Rams for having me!

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