Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Cupcake's First Haircut

At some point in July I brought Princess for her 1st Haircut. Stop laughing, I felt that she was rockin' a mullet and needed her hair to "be shaped" (that's what all the ladies 60+ said).

I found a child's salon and walked in with my almost bald daughter to find some Toddler and Tiara rejects getting ready for their close up. I felt horrible saying that but seriously, there was a 4 year old with ruby red lipstick and Julia Roberts head of hear getting an Aqua Net spray when we walked in.

We finally sat down and Cupcake had an all out melt down about the chair, cape and mirror. I started speaking to the stylist "well, she is young but I noticed she has the beginning of a mullet and I would like you to give her some shape". I knew she was listening and the more I spoke the angrier she became. I was about to pull a Malin on her and say "Truvy is trying really hard to shape your mullet so please behave and let her shape your hair". I was waiting for a "don't talk about me like I'm not here" speech but she was already crying so I was looking for some hard candy to calm her. It was VERY touch and go for the entire 15 minutes we were there.

Anyway, Cupcake did get her 1st haircut and it is beautiful! It may not seem like much but I was told we got rid of the split ends. Ahhhh, all is well in PA.

Side note: she did get a free gift for completing her 1st haircut however I left it there. Mother of the Year!




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