Monday, May 14, 2012

Time to have this baby!!!

Yeah, just kidding, false alarm!! I went for my weekly appt at 38 weeks, to find out that Baby M's heart beat dropped, my blood pressure was elevated and my legs were swollen out of their shoes. I know that I have complained tirelessly about my legs and feet but do you know what it is like to not be able to wear shoes?? I'm talking about not being able to put them on your feet, get them past your sausage linked toes, look like you had an allergic reaction to a bug bite, look like the "sloth guy" from the movie Seven starring the ever handsome Brad Pitt and award winning Morgan Freeman (you know the sloth guy, Brad found him with his head in a bowl of pork and beans). In the grand scheme of things this really isn't a big deal compared to serious medical conditions but I am not lying when I say I have over 100 pairs of shoes and I can only wear 2 pairs of them! I was also informed that the piggies or foes (fat toes from Hubby) could take up to 6 weeks to reduce in swelling!! Are you serious? What the hell am I supposed to do about walking around.

Okay, totally digressing, lets get back on track. My doctor was concerned about the symptoms above and sent us for some tests not one day but two days that week. We did get to see Baby M on TV again, he/she looks so cute and chubby with very little room to move around in there. Please tell me that my child does not have Hubby's sense of direction. I may have to send a navigation unit in there so he/she can join us in PA. All of the tests came back perfect, I was nervous but secretly hoping that an induction would take place and we would meet Baby M. Fat footed chance of that happening. Thank God that Baby M is healthy and Mama M is fine, we were sent home with orders to remain on bed rest and the hopes that we will meet this child within the next few weeks.

Again, I shouldn't complain, bitch or get upset about this. I've had a wonderful and healthy pregnancy, I'm just in the last phase of excitement and anticipation of meeting this little one.

Here is a pic of me at 39 weeks. Almost time for the little one to arrive. Hope everyone is enjoying the 85 degree weather!!

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