Monday, May 14, 2012

Hospital Days

Once we were settled into our room, we started letting the idea of parenthood sink in. We were still so excited about our new little girl but it didn't seem real. We have a dozen nieces and nephews but I almost had the feeling that sweet girl was our niece, not our total responsibility. I felt that someone was going to come and take her away from us.

Well, luckily for us the hospital no longer has a baby aquarium and our sweet girl would be our entire responsibility while we were staying at Hotel Hospital. Geez, give a girl a break. I just had a baby and you want me to take care of her?? I love her to pieces but I had visions of sitting in a heavy matte satin robe, flowers at my bedside and visitors coming in to meet our princess and if I became tired then Nurse Jackie would come in to take sweet girl back to her room in the kiddie section. HELLO! Reality set in real fast. Sweet Girl would be staying with us during our entire stay and we would have to take care of her all day and night! I was shocked. Why am I paying any of you to do what I can do at no charge. I thought this was a terrible idea and thought it was so unfair to not allow a new mom her time to sleep and relax, especially after all I've been through. I was mistaken. I still think it would have been a good idea for mom's to rest however it was a quick lesson in parenting that Hubby and I learned sooner than later.

I was fortunate enough that my Mom would spend the first night with me to care for sweet girl. Hubby was exhausted from the long weekend of labor and delivery. I mean, I don't blame him, he did sleep on a hard bed and hold my hand while I pushed like a wild boar for 3 hours, he deserved to go home and get some sleep (I deserved to sleep at Mar-a-Lago Club, Donald Trump's club in Palm Beach but that's neither here nor there). We all made it through our first day and night with my sweet girl and life was easy. Hubby spent the night with me the second night (he was well rested) and we all snuggled in for another night together. Supposedly babies sleep the first 24-48 hours after their born to catch up and rest, that's exactly what our sweet girl did. On the second night she finally woke up and CRIED all night long! I felt horrible for her and Hubby was shocked, rattled if you will. He jumped out of bed after an hour of crying, woke me up (I can sleep through anything) and said, "I think she's possessed, shes done nothing but cry for an hour now, can we send her back?" I just laughed and realized that this is why parents are meant to care for their new babies at the hospital. I was happy for Hubby to have his meltdown at the hospital and not at home. The nurse did come in and offer to take our sweet girl for 2 hours so we could sleep. I almost fell out of bed when she said 2 hours but again, she was prepping us for the nights to come and we had no idea.

The rest of the days spent at the hospital were calm. I was anxious to bring my sweet baby girl home so we could start our life together as a family. Before we could leave the hospital our sweet girl had to pass all of her tests as well as attend "car seat class".  I swear I think I am the world's biggest idiot. The easiest task (installing a car seat) turns into needing an engineering degree, forget putting my baby in it.

I think we are all set to go home.   Our little angel passed all of her tests and its time to show her the world, not to mention 2 very hairy beasts who are excited to meet her.

We had so many visitors and our sweet girl received so many beautiful flowers and gifts. Thank you for all the phone calls, emails, love and support. It has truly been the most exciting time of our lives. Let's get going, it's time to bring this little lady home and start living!

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