Monday, May 14, 2012

Our first trip

Wow, the summer is definitely flying by! Our sweet girl is almost 3 months old and I am shortly heading back to work but before I go back let's have some fun! My brotha and his family rented a beach house in Point Pleasant, NJ this summer and decided to celebrate Tinkerbell's 1st birthday in style, at the beach! We are very excited to hit the beach for our very first trip. Not only will we spend time with my brotha but my sista and her fam live nearby and so do Nanny and Grandpa,  we will spend lots of time with them too! A special treat for us this summer will be the visit from my Aunt K and Uncle J coming all the way from California to meet the girls and hang out with us.

Tink's birthday kicked off the week long celebration. We had a great time at her birthday party, it was hotter than Haiti outside but the pool helped cool everyone off. The hosts did a great job planning games for everyone, it was so much fun. Hubby, baby and I stayed several days and while we were down there our sweet girl experienced many firsts! We spent some time walking the boardwalk, taking a chance on games and riding all the rides! Tink picked a horse and rode the carousel for the very first time, she loved it. She waved each time she galloped past us and was so proud of herself, definitely a natural. We went to Martell's for dinner, totally different experience dining with my baby vs. a Friday night hanging out with my friends and talking to Joey Bag-o-donuts and his friend Vinnie Boombots! Dinner was great and the girls managed to sit through the entire meal. Well, our sweet girl slept the entire time but did wake up for dessert and for some pics!

Most days everyone ventured off to the beach but our sweet girl and I decided to sit those afternoons out and lounge poolside. I think she is more like me; not a fan of sand and salt water mixed together with high doses of blazing sun! Not to digress but yeah, not a fan of the beach. Don't get me wrong, I love beach houses, boardwalks, seafood and everything else that comes along with the beach but put me near a pool and I will hang there instead of on the sand. I'm always up for a beach house but please make sure it has a pool, lol. I'm not that snobby (well kind of)

We spent the rest of the week hanging out with family, shopping, trolling every fudge shop and salt water taffy joint, dining out and swimming. Tink and our sweet girl were poolside princesses. Our sweet girl enjoyed her first time swimming! Grandpa taught me, my brotha and my sista how to swim and he decided to start this summer with our sweet girl in the pool. They had a great time slapping the water and trying to blow bubbles.

We ended the week with one final birthday dinner for Tinkerbell, I think it's safe to say that she had a celebratory week! I don't know how brotha and SIL will top this next year.

We had a great time and can't believe that the week is over. I must go now and get ready for work. On an extremely positive note our sweet girl will spend her days hanging out with Nanny!! We are so happy and grateful that Nanny will watch our precious little girl. Nanny has so many activities planned for her little girl. This reminds me of when I was a little girl spending time with my Grandma. Stella was great. We watched soap operas, played memory, rode the bus into Jersey City to grab some lunch at the Canton, man, we had great times. Hopefully our sweet girl will have great memories with her Nanny too!

Well, I will try to keep the blog updated, hope everyone is having a great summer!

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