Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Princess goes to GiGi's Birthday Party

July and August were full of fun. After the holiday celebrations we only had one set back and unfortunately missed our niece's 2nd birthday. We were so upset that we weren't able to share the special day with her, open presents and enjoy some cupcakes!! We did see her bday pics and it looks like she had a great day.

The rest of the summer is fairly quiet, some play dates, get togethers and the countdown to our 1st Family Vacation! We did go away last year but we more or less free loaded off of my brother and sister in law during their vacation so it didn't seem right to call that our vacation. Thanks again to Brotha and SIL Wahlberg for letting us crash!

Princess was invited to her girlfriend G's birthday bash at the Moon Bounce House!! We are good friends with GiGi's Mom and Dad (great people). They were nice enough to include us in her special day!!

Princess had so much fun jumping around, playing with GiGi, eating pizza and some cake! I was shocked how Princess planted herself by the 5+ year olds moon bounce and placed herself by the blow up steps. Every time a kid went in or came out they would put so much pressure on the step that Princess would fly up in the air. She giggled the entire time and kept going back for more! I was surprised at how "grown up" she seemed. She sat at the table eating all the goodies and kept watching the big kids, she kept up the entire time. When she couldn't cut her own food like the other kids she would look to me for help, never cried or asked. My little girl is growing up and trying to be one of the "big kids"

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