Monday, May 14, 2012

Our sweet girl: The first month

Well, we are home a month now and everything is new and different. Our sweet girl (we have to give her a name) came home to a mommy who required a lot of help and TLC. I took the few days I needed to try and get back to normal. Nanny and Grandpa were with me the first week and Nanny nursed me back to normal. I tell you, Nanny is great! She made meals for me that were much needed and also served them on the special plate. Long story short, when I was small my mom had a red plate that read "You are special today". My mom put our meals on this plate when we had a special day; birthday, good day at school, lost tooth, etc. When I was in Milwaukee a few years ago I came across the "Special" plate and had to buy it so when I have kids I can do the same for them. Well, low and behold my mom used the special plate for me. I received every meal on this plate and I felt oh so special each and every day. It's the little things in life that make a world of difference, especially when it comes from Mom!

The first 2 weeks were tough. I was still recovering and felt horrible.  Our sweet girl was fine, she was eating, pooping and sleeping on demand. I think she knew deep down that Mommy couldn't handle much. My friends Dool and Ostrich love to say that babies are on best behavior the first 2 weeks because if they were horrible screamers mommy would leave them at the hospital. Oh so true!  Our sweet girl knew to be on best behavior since Mommy was about to measure her head to see if it fit into the oven. She was precious. I also had help from Dool and Nonna and greatly appreciate all their help. They took care of me and sweet girl! If I have any advice for a new mom it would be to TAKE ALL THE HELP YOU CAN GET. Even if your cleaning lady or gardener want to help out, let them. Not that I have either but I was willing to let my mail lady watch my baby while I slept. I was stoic before the birth of sweet girl and insisted that I would not need help. Yeah, joke was on me. I needed everyone!

Our sweet girl began to adjust to her new life and along with that came crying and LOTS of it! She began crying around 4pm and sang her song of woe until 11pm. We were starting to lose our minds and our carpet was wearing thin from walking the halls all day and night. I wondered if there was something medically wrong with our sweet little girl. After a few formula changes and a call to the doctor we were informed that she could have gas or the famous phrase "it could be colic"

What the hell is colic?
According to
Colic is an exhausting, unrelenting, and all-consuming condition that causes otherwise healthy babies to cry inconsolably, usually in the evening and at night.
Experts are not sure what causes colic. The leading theory is that colic is caused by abdominal pain due to intestinal gas. Others argue that a baby’s gas is a result, not a cause, of colic.

So that is the first of many labels we gave to our daughter. I swear that everyone wants a label or a diagnosis for their kids and we are on that boat. I was never a believer of colic but sign me up! Our sweet girl suffers from colic!

I can't wait to see what the rest of the month has in store for us. At the end of the day the dogs are feed, Mom and Dad are adjusting and we have a beautiful baby girl!

Enjoy some pics of the little lady's first month of life at home!

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