Monday, May 14, 2012

It's time to head to the hospital

My induction was scheduled to start on Saturday, May 9th. To my surprise I woke up at 4am that morning in some pain. I wasn't sure what was going on and decided to wake up Hubby for some sympathy. After a few minutes we both wondered if I was having contractions and Baby M was ready to make his/her appearance. I wasn't sure what to expect so I did what any techo savvy person would do, I asked Hubby to get on the internet and google "contractions" to find out if this was the pain that I was feeling. Sure enough, after a few articles he informed me that I was in labor, my contractions started on their own. Thank god for the internet, what would we have done? We started timing them and after a few hours of being 6 minutes apart we called the doctor only to find out that they had to be 3-5 minutes apart for 1 hour. Good Lord, this could take all day....and it did.

My parents were en route to our home since they were spending time at our house waiting for Baby M to arrive and to take care of our 2 hairy kids. Finally after a day of timing, panting like an animal, eating (I know - stupid) and discomfort we were finally able to go to the hospital!! We said good-bye to my parents and our puppies (life would never be the same again for them, poor dogs). I can't believe the time is here, we are going to have a baby!

Our ride to the hospital felt longer than normal and I was really starting to get uncomfortable. Since this was my 4th trip to the hospital, I was a pro and knew what to do. I was so excited yet nervous about what was about to happen. I swore I was probably far along and Baby M would arrive any time. I even thought that I could do this without an epidural, the pain wasn't that bad.

I was shown to my room and started to get very nervous, what the hell was I thinking, I can't do this, why am I doing this, who the hell can help me and when can I have a diet coke, little ice with a slice of lemon?

I finally settled in around 7pm to find out that I was 3 cm dilated, are you joking? I have been in labor ALL day and I'm only 3 cm, check again because you surely came up a few short. At that moment I realized I was in trouble and this was going to be a long night. "Get me an epidural - STAT". Well, since I wasn't on ER or Grey's I didn't have a say in anything and was told that they needed to check my blood, blah, blah, blah. "Oh, I'm sorry, you must have misunderstood, I said get my an epidural". That fell on deaf ears because what they don't show on TV is that they really do have to do some tests before they give out anything. After what seemed like an eternity I was finally given my epidural and would settle down for the night. I did tell the doctor that the epidural company is wonderful and I would donate large sums of money for future epidural research if ever needed and they should think about giving epidurals to everyone.

Well, going to settle down for the night since I'm told I will be here a long time. Thanks for sugar coating!

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