Monday, May 14, 2012

Tinkerbell's Christening!

It was that time for Tinkerbell to enter into the Catholic family! Tinkerbell's Christening was in October and I was given the honor of being named her Godmother. I love all of my godbabies; my oldest nephew S, little C, little J and now Tinkerbell, this is a true honor.

Hubby and I traveled to Brotha's house to celebrate Tinkerbell's first of many important events. Her party was scheduled the night prior and we all had a great time. We spent the night talking about the presidential candidates and baby names, all from my niece and nephews perspectives. I found out from them the following:
* Obama should win because he will make history being the first African American president - nephew S
* Nickelodeon kid's vote went to Obama so of course he will win - Boo
* McCain should win because he was in the military and is older so he has more experience - K-man (Alex P Keaton)
* I should name my baby Screech because "that's a great name" - Screech

It's amazing that my niece and nephews are growing up so fast, have their own opinions and care that much about the world around them. I also learned that 10 is entirely too old to not have a cell phone. Now I feel old!

Tinkerbell's big day was a beautiful one! I helped the little angel get into her first of many white gowns. The gown was originally worn by her big sister Boo and looked just as pretty on Tink. She was such a good sport getting into her many layers and posing for pictures. Always with an inquisitive look, she made it through the ceremony in one piece, no tears but a few scowls. Welcome to Catholicism Tinkerbell!  

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