Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daycare is here...and so are the germs!

Princess turned 1, Nanny returned home and now daycare days are upon us. We had very mixed emotions about sending Princess to daycare; would she be okay, would they love her, can she handle the routine? The day arrived and we had to drop Princess off to a building full of strangers and leave our baby behind while she cried out for Mommy and Daddy. I personally wanted to shoot myself in the foot so I could qualify for disability again, not sure how the Hubs felt. Actually I do know. Hubby decided that the day we would bring Princess to "school" that he would skip out since he had lots of work to do. I knew he couldn't handle seeing Princess at daycare and possibly crying. Sooooo, Mommy had to be the "bad cop" and not only show her to the new hang out but leave her there.

Princess cried, I cried and I felt like utter crap. I kept thinking that I should quit my job and raise my child. This feeling lasted several days! We slowly started getting use to daycare until day 4 hit: the stomach bug!

I know everyone talks about daycare/school germs and "they all get sick" but Princess was suppose to be the exception. She wasn't. Poor little Princess went through a stomach bug and an extremely high fever for several weeks. MANY trips to the Dr and a trip to the Children's Hospital for blood work confirmed that she was fine but had a horrible virus from daycare she couldn't shake. Poor little girl was use to cold compresses that all of her baby dolls would receive a compress nightly while she would go to the sink to get hers wet again. I know that everyone says "oh but her immune system is rock solid now and she will never get sick again". I pray to God that we never go through that many weeks or sickness again. I know it could be worse and I'm being dramatic but our summer truly stunk!

All in all, Princess is happy and healthy and Mommy is a germ-a-phobe. I apologize in advance if I'm weird around runny noses or cringe when someone says "my kid is sick but not contagious". I'm dramatic yes, but don't want to see my baby go through that again. So thank you daycare for jump starting all the bugs.

Side note: I love our daycare but just pissy that she spent most of her summer sick!

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